
WP SuperBackup supports a plethora of cloud services, including but not limited to your own (s)FTP accounts, Google Drive, Dropbox etc

1. Local

Set the full path of your desire destination folder. Be sure that the selected Folder have all the Write Permissions

Should be a folder inside the wp-content folder and not out of it.

2. (s)FTP

You can use your Local Sever but with a special FTP user or any other Server

Type the FTP Credentials and options offered by the Hosting Provider.

Have a double check over the FTP credentials into a FTP App to be sure are working properly and no additional settings required

3. Google Drive

To Get A Client ID and Client Secret follow the next Tutorial:
Creating a Google Developers Console project and client ID

Once you’ve set a Client ID using the Redirect URI, the Client Secret is provided Also.

Enable APIs on APIs&Auth->APIs: “Drive API”

Once you Save destination with your Google Account accept the requested permissions

Optional Destination Folder

In order to get the ‘Folder ID’ you must go to Your Google Drive Account.
Right Click on Your destination directory and select ‘Get Link’.
A PopUp will show up with a URL like this:
In this case Your Folder ID will be : 0BwFtiEtPOrxfghdSWDhHOGdza34

4. DropBox

Just click on “Save” button and “Allow” the DropBox App to use your credentials

Important: if you “Cancel” the process you will need to Delete the current Destinations to avoid further Issues and Errors.

5. Amazon S3

To get AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key, just follow the next tutorial:
Getting Your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

SSL Connection is optional

“AWS Bucket Name” is the name of the folder where the SuperBackup will store the Snapshots.

6. RackSpace

Complete all the required fields and select your Rackspace server Region.

7. OneDrive

Go to:

and create your new Microsoft Application.

Into “API Settings” you have to set the “Target Domain” and the “Redirect URLs” that is provided into Destination page.

On “App Settings” tab you will find your necessary credentials ( Client ID, Client Secret )


Just click on “Save” button and “Allow” the App to use your credentials

Important: if you “Cancel” the process you will need to Delete the current Destinations to avoid further Issues and Errors.


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