Lesson Drip Content

This feature allows you to release your lessons at regular intervals by creating a schedule for your content. To activate this option, please go to the Magic Features tab, then click on the Lesson Drip Content card. After activating the feature, simply go to the Lessons tab and edit or [...]

Course Reviews

This feature allows your students to write a review about your courses, you also have to option to let them write only one review per course. To activate this option, please go to the Magic Features tab, then click on the Course Reviews card. Here you can see all the [...]

Multiple Instructors

To activate this option, please go to the Magic Features tab, then click on the Multiple Instructors card. After this, when editing or adding a new course you will have a new section Ultimate Learning Pro - Additional Instructors.

Stripe Payment Integration

To activate this option, please go to the Magic Features tab, then click on the Stripe Payment Integration card. You will be able to activate this feature from here, make sure to save. After this, click on the Settings link found here, this will send you to a new page [...]

PayPal Payment Integration

To activate this option, please go to the Magic Features tab, then click on the PayPal Payment Integration card. You will be able to activate this feature from here, make sure to save. After this, click on the Settings link found here, this will send you to a new page [...]

Easy Download Digital Payment Integration

To activate this option, please go to the Magic Features tab, then click on the Easy Download Digital Payment Integration card. You will be able to activate this feature from here, make sure to save. By activating this option you have the possibility to link a course to an Easy Download [...]

UMP Payment Integration

To activate this option, please go to the Magic Features tab, then click on the UMP Payment Integration card. You will be able to activate this feature from here, make sure to save. By activating this option you have the possibility to link a course to an Ultimate Membership Pro [...]

WooCommerce Payment Integration

To activate this option, please go to the Magic Features tab, then click on the Woo Payment Integration card. You will be able to activate this feature from here, make sure to save. By activating this option you have the possibility to link a course to a WooCommerce product, therefore your users can use [...]

Payment Services

You can find a list of all the payment services by going in the upper menu and clicking on the Payment Services tab. Here you can click on which box you want to set up. If a certain payment is grayed out it means that you must first navigate to [...]

Special Settings – Courses

In this article we will go over some important settings or ones which we think need further clarification, but please note that they are also fully explained on their respective page. A very useful feature which is part of the special settings is the Featured Course. By activating this option your course [...]