Manage Showcases

In order to access the showcases please go to ULP Dashboard -> Showcases.

From this section you can manage already existing Front-End components or create new ones. We’ll have a quick look at all the available options and how you can easily get up to speed with customizing each of them.

Account Page – Here you can enable or disable avatar images, student badges, set up a custom greeting to be displayed to logged in users (we’ve placed the variables conveniently on the right side, in case you accidentally delete the demo text). Among other things, you can also define which elements are displayed to registered users. You can also edit the menu tabs and create new ones, for more info read this article.

Student Leaderboard – Here you have a shortcode generator to help you define how your students are displayed on the site. It allows  you to customize aspects such as number of entries per section, which fields are present, choose a fitting colour scheme and order the students by a few fields.

Courses grid – Just like the student leaderboard, you have a shortcode generator to help you define how your courses are displayed on the site. It allows  you to customize aspects such as number of entries per section, which fields are present, choose a fitting colour scheme, order the courses and you can activate Slider showcase.

For Student Leaderboard and Courses grid you have a preview section in the bottom of the page to get an idea of how it will look like. This generator will give you a shortcode and PHP code for you to use.

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