If you want to see all of the filters and hooks available in Ultimate Membership Pro, in order to use them for development purposes, know that they are available in the plugin by going to {your-site}/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ihc_manage&tab=hooks, replacing {your-site} with your actual domain name.
Change default currency
The default currency that the UMP system comes with can be changed from the plugin settings. Simply go to the UMP Dashboard > General Options > Payment Settings and change Default System Currency, all of the available currencies that the plugin supports can be seen in the list.
Prevent spam registrations
In order to prevent spam users, bots, and users with unusual emails from registering in Ultimate Membership Pro we can suggest the following measures: Use Double Email Verification, spam users will usually be unable to verify their registration since the emails are fake, and you can set it so they will […]
Add coupon field to Register Form
If you noticed that the coupon field is missing from the Registration Form during the sign-up process, it is most likely that it is not activated yet. In order to do this, you need to go to the Ultimate Membership Pro dashboard > Showcases > Checkout Page, and check the […]
Change sender email address
In order to change the sender’s email address, you are going to need to go to the Ultimate Membership Pro Dashboard > General Options > Notifications Settings. Under Sender Details, you can customize the sender’s email and name.
User cancelled payment, still has access to content?
If a user has registered but canceled the process right before setting up payment, the user does not have access to paid content. They are however registered as a subscriber. In fact, here’s a breakdown of exactly everything that happens behind the scenes: Signup Phase: Upon signup, the user completes […]
Known Compatibility Issues
Notifications do not work, please help!
Set everything up correctly, but everything is visible to all users?
No need to panic! If you have set up a paid membership tier or a content locker and want to check out what it looks like, you need to keep in mind that you’re logged in as an admin user, with the highest privileges. This means that you should be able […]